Getting Through the Cold and Flu Season

Proper immune system function is essential for good health. During the cold and flu season, it is especially important to support the immune system for the prevention and treatment of infection and illness.Here are some natural remedies that are effective in...

Rebounding for the Lymphatic System

Rebounding basically means bouncing on a mini trampoline and is an excellent way to improve the movement of the lymphatic system!Movement of the lymphatic system is important for detoxification and immune system function. By improving lymphatic movement we can improve...

Contrast Showers

Contrast showers are a fantastic way to improve your health and vitality!Contrast showers are a form of hydrotherapy (healing with water) that promote circulation of the blood as well as the lymphatic system. Overall, contrast showers are a part of building a solid...

The Importance of the Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System is an additional circulatory system found throughout the entire body. It is composed of vessels, lymph nodes, lymphatic tissue, and several organs: the spleen, thymus and bone marrow. The lymphatic system plays a very important part in our immune...